of PE plastic
regenerated every year
Ethic Code
The Company promotes knowledge of its Management System and its Ethic Code to all its representatives and employees, who are expected to observe them and to contribute to their implementation.
For any further information please contact: info@nuovagandiplast.it
Ethical code

The Italian Legislative Decree N. 231 on 8 June 2001 defines the responsibilities of the employer in the event of specific offenses committed by its employees, in accordance with the EU Community guidelines.
According to this Decree, the employer can’t be held responsible for these offenses if he can prove that he has adopted and effectively implemented a proper management system able to prevent such crimes.
The consequences of an administrative offence actually not only affect the Company’s assets but also its commercial image, compromising its business.
Nuova Gandiplast SRL’s commitment is to promote a fair working environment in accordance with the law. For this reason, Nuova Gandiplast SRL has adopted the Management System 231 and its Ethic Code on the base of the Italian Legislative Decree N. 231.
Ethical code